Star Tortoise for Sale
These little star tortoise are eating a variety of greens and are very active and healthy. We also have some gorgeous well started baby Indian star tortoise for sale, which we recommend over the more fragile Indian star tortoise hatchling for sale. Indian Star tortoises for sale
Indian Star tortoises are the smallest of the star tortoises, and therefore make great tortoises for those seeking an indoor or outdoor tortoise, that remains small. At full maturity, Indian star tortoises reach sizes of 6-8″ on average, with a small percentage reaching 9-10″.
Buy an Indian Star tortoise online
When purchasing an Indian Star tortoise hatchling, it is imperative that you buy your baby tortoise from an experienced tortoise breeder and keeper. We are pleased to say that our baby stars are FANTASTIC! With a biologist ON SITE, we pride ourselves on selling only top-notch tortoises, ready to ship to you via FedEx or UPS overnight. One shipping charge covers up to 4 Indian star tortoises. Indian Star tortoises for sale